From the classrooms to the radio, Planetary Embodiment beams quantum love frequencies to all ears 4 a healing Planet. Delving into unnoticed details, activating all senses, breaking silences, and giving space to sink in: from hearing to tasting, from sensing to feeling, from bottom to top, side-to-side, sonically bounced, simultaneously, from the past, present, and futures. Beyond the surfaces. Beyond the end of this world.

Planetary Embodiment: Being All Ears @ Refuge Worldwide, 2023 radio show | pre-launch | collaboration_ Listen here 

2. "Sung Territories" is an artistic research group focused on the voice, sonic art, somatics and interspecies communication. The title is a referrence to the work of Vinciane Despret and the Phonocene. 

3. The "Privilege of Dreaming" is a mobile installation and intersectional learning platform. It explores an interface between art and decentralized knowledge production. This ecosystem functions as a free hub for encounters, critical cultural research, and transdisciplinary exhibitions. 

Each activation addresses the challenges, and urgencies of dreaming in a wicked world by acknowledging structural inequalities and sharing resources within and beyond institutional spaces. The project engages with topics of privilege, dreams, autonomy and empathy. This ever changing ecosystem is co created through collective and plural activations.

︎︎︎ Website @Privilege Of Dreaming

4. MUDA (Sprout) is a transdisciplinary art education platform developed between 2018-2019 in São Paulo, Brazil, to inspire ecological awareness through the study of modern and contemporary science in relation to Self and Planetary dimensions.

5. Self Ecologies is a mobile educational ecosystem, dedicated to expanded approaches to Ecology that support the understanding of humans as nature, in communion with diversities, adversities, and singularities.

The program is a collaboration between Luïza Luz and the psychologist Luas É-se, founder of @fozgrupo "Center for Training and Research in Care Practices", and was presented as a series of workshops in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2017-2019.

© Luïza Luz