From São Paulo, Brasil - Based in Berlin, Germany

Luïza Luz (they/them) is a transdisciplinary artist, researcher-educator, singer-composer, and writer. With a focus on intersectional environmentalism and emancipatory pedagogies, Luïza has been researching and practicing in these fields for several years. 
As the founder of the "Planetary Embodiment" seminar at the Berlin University of Arts, Luïza Luz taught the course for five semesters, culminating in collective public projects and exhibitions each term. In 2023, this seminar led to the publication of "Planetary Embodiment: Cooking With Words for Systemic Change and Solidarity". They have also been a guest professor at various universities, including the Dirty Art Department of the Sandberg Institute.

Photos: Oumou Aidara
They completed a master's degree at the Art in Context Institute at UdK, Berlin, Germany, and a licentiate degree in Visual Arts and Social Communication at FAAP, São Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, they have pursued non-academic education in the fields of ecologies, somatic practices and design for regenerative cultures, studying with Ailton Krenak and Fritjof Capra.