A Grounding Piece of Land 

Now based in Europe, I recover the teachings I received from the Forests of the so-called Bra𝓼il, through its impact on the wisdom of my heart: this interconnected piece of land that I carry everywhere I go. As an ecologist, my focus has traditionally been on the transformation of people and ecosystems in my surroundings. Right now, I turn my attention to my own intimate Ecologies, where feelings and molecules inhabit. I recognise regeneration from within. I make a compost out of my own false beliefs. I teach myself to unlearn. I ground myself, through the heart of Earth. I dream and sing about it: the transformation of an entire system. This pleasurable vulnerability can connect other hearts and its micro earthly politics. In any case, in times of climate & humanitarian collapse, each heart could be experienced as a grounding piece of land, in midst of despair.


© Luïza Luz